Does anyone know how i get the css code for this myspace layout? or what code makes it look like the way it is?
thanks for your help! no links to layout generators they cant re-create this! All i want is the layout
How do i get th code for this myspace layout?
You can get the layout code by viewing the source but that wont do no good because you will get the exact same layout and you wont be able to edit it. They have some graphics in there that you wont be able to edit using plain HTML, unless you just want the exact layout with the graphics, then just get the code from source code. :)
How do i get th code for this myspace layout?
just right click on the empty space of the webpage and save it .. i dont this would require a code??
How do i get th code for this myspace layout?
You need to contact crobar to see if they will loan you part of their text for you myspace page. This is an avatar created souly by crobar and they have the rights to it. Now some of the layouts like have the similar backround but not the layout. So you might have to search a few of the different generated sites to get all the info but I agree I want that comment box they have on theirs. Just as you got into that site, just randomly click on other myspace people to get their links to different site generators.
How do i get th code for this myspace layout?
I would go to that page, right click and choose the option of View Source, then I would copy and paste in a program that comes with windows, such as wordpad.
Then save as ***.html or whatever you desire the name of your document to be. Then finagle around with it, and open in your IE, Netscape or firefox (browser) until you have what you are looking for.
Barring that, maybe you could message the page owner and ask.
Hope this helps.
Good luck-
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